Tuesday 29 November 2011

Final day of Movember!

What could be better than ending Movember with a day full of moustaches?

A fantastic effort from pupils of all ages meant that we had a donation packed morning in Rise Park!

Here are the children from year 3 wearing their moustaches with pride!

Sunday 20 November 2011

Anti-Bullying Week

What a busy week! As part of anti-bullying week, year 3 have been thinking about how our words can hurt others. We learnt a pop song that discussed how words can make people feel down and lonely and this helped us to understand that what we say to our friends is important. Here is the performance!

Operation Christmas Child 2011

Wow. What more can we say?
Thanks to the amazing support of children and staff, Rise Park had packed 85 boxes by Friday 18th November. We found out that our boxes are due to begin their travels on December 2nd, travelling to Swaziland and possibly the Ukraine and Crimea. The following is a short video of year 3 packing their boxes.

Sunday 6 November 2011

Performing Poetry Competition - Diwali

As promised, here are the two winning performances (one from 3H, one from 3D) of the performing poetry competition! Enjoy!

Thursday 3 November 2011

The Thursday Challenge!

Following on from today's lesson, here comes the challenge!

Thinking about the three key types of measurement we talked about today, length, weight and volume, compile a list of all the different items you can find around your house that have either a length, weight or volume on their label.

Bring your list into school by Friday 11th November and 5 stampers will be awarded to the most interesting and detailed list.

Good luck!